The Earth Was Full of Heaven Today


So often life seems bereft, barren of  joy, overflowing

with bleak news,

but while pulling the first pink stalks of rhubarb for muffins,

I was startled by a  rustling inside. Suddenly a duck flew out.

She had waited as long as she could before abandoning her nest.

Kneeling, I parted the oversized leaves.

Nestled there with such care in a mound of soft feathers

were a dozen pale green eggs.


Later, I stripped and washed the sheets,

carried the heavy load outside, pinned them to the clothesline.

So much intimacy aired. Softness and lightness danced

with the spirited wind.


Lunch was a fried egg from my neighbor’s chicken

served with spicy arugula and baby spinach leaves

whose folds still held a bit of the grit,

on toasted sourdough bread from the oven

alongside strawberries from my patch

drizzled with the honey from a friend's hive.


The redbud tree was bursting with its prayer beads;

pea-like rosy clusters willing the heart-shaped leaves to emerge.


All of the day seemed to unfold this way with a groaning

as if caressing what was underneath,

making me forget for a bit what was broken in the world.

I savored every crumb.

Angela Hoffman’s poetry collections include Resurrection Lily (Kelsay Books, 2022) and Olly Olly Oxen Free (forthcoming, Kelsay Books, 2023). She placed third in the WFOP Kay Saunders Memorial Emerging Poet in 2022. Her poems have been published internationally. She has written a poem a day since the start of the pandemic. Angela lives in rural Wisconsin.



Karla Linn Merrifield


Kimberly Lewis