I, Maggie, asked Dave, “Why don’t we do something really different? He replied, “What did you have in mind?” I said, “I’ve done some research. What about temporarily swapping the left sides of our brain?” He said, “Would that make us both gay?” I said, “Who knows? Maybe we will fall totally in love with one another? Studies have shown that it is possible to swap half a brain in holograms and androids. But we could be the first humans to do it. And if we don’t like the results we can always change back. Dave said, “It seems risky, but will make us famous as the first humans to try it.” She said, “These days any fame one can get is very good.” So, we applied and were accepted for the mind swap.

After it was done, we talked with one another. The female, with Maggie’s body said, “I feel like a complete whole and feel relaxed and content.” The male, with Dave’s body said, “Let’s make love.” So, we did and afterward, both agreed it was the best love we’d ever had! And we were inseparable for months and months. And we both got great pleasure in masturbation. The male said, “Let’s swap memories with others who have had an exciting life.” So, it worked out that we simply enhanced our memories with the highlights of many others which we relived and added to our memories. We felt like truly worldly people. We paid big bucks for great memories and were paid a large fortune to share our mind experiences. We did Mind Reading Technology (MRT) with them and truly relived their experiences. MRT was a relatively new thing, and we did it actively with many famous people and we found we were now unofficially members of the elite. Certainly, we were very rich and very enlightened. Many people who did MRT with us, were enlightened. And we talked with them about leaders who were part of the sharing and life was lovely. And the leaders of our city-state on Luna, Luna #14, were truly enlightened.

And we started selling our best memories Online to anyone who could afford to pay. And we got people to let us inside their heads. And we searched for their best memories, which they usually knew were their best. Some said, we were like vampires, but we had everyone’s best life at heart.

And we, in time, had the best experiences of all of humanity. We felt like Gods. And the male of the two of us said, “In the future, everyone will mind will only mind read when communicating with others.” The female said, “I think MRT is the best thing that ever happened.” The male said, “I think it has eliminated evil from the whole Solar System.” The female said, “Yes, everyone is a part of the whole.”

Tom Ball is the author of the novel Leftforkbooks.com. and has been published in Down in the Dirt Magazine. Ball has published twelve novel excerpts, two short stories, one hundred and twenty-six flash, and one novella. Twenty-four pieces were published in “Defenestrationism.net,” Conceit Magazine, and its imprints: as well as dozens and dozens of flash. One long novel excerpt and forty-five flash pieces were published in Gargoyle Magazine. Four novel excerpts, four short stories, and twenty-five flash pieces were published on Spillwords.com under author Tom Ball. Two long novel excerpts and two short stories got published in Exterminating Angel Press. Six short flash collections and eleven short stories were published in PBW Magazine. Ball has numerous pieces in “Fleas on the Dog Online.” He has also appeared in “AlternateRoute.org” with six flash pieces and one short story. Literary Yard has published two flash pieces, two short stories as well as a short play. Ball has also made appearances in Sparrows Trombone, “TRNSFR/Sip Cup,” “Lit.201.org,” Blank Spaces Mag, “Granfalloon.org,” Newark Library Literary Journal, Fresh Words Magazine, Airgonaut, Poetry Pacific, and the now defunct Local Train Magazine, “Postcardshorts.ca” and others. He has also self-published two novels with now defunct, American Book Publishing, and another one with Xlibris. Ball has co-authored a graphic novel Of Heaven and Hell with Zen Wang. Tom is currently the senior editor at FLEAS ON THE DOG.

Check out Tom Ball's books here.


Ken Pobo


Maggie Iribarne