Salix Discolor

Seeking signs of earliest Spring,

this 10th day of March,

furry catkin nubs of salix discolor—


pussy willow—catches my attention

& catches my heart as I recall

gifting slender branches of them


to my grandmother each year.

She’d display them in a long, brass

stand I now use for umbrellas.


It sits beside a petite credenza

that graced her lavish entryway

and now enhances ours small hall.


Walking on, the breeze off water,

is cool, not chilled. The garden

I’ll plant growing in my mind.

Karen Neuberg’s poems have appeared numerous journals including Glassworks, Gone Lawn, Really System, Unbroken, and Verse Daily.. She is the author of PURSUIT (Kelsay Books,) and the chapbook “the elephants are asking” (Glass Lyre Press). She holds an MFA from The New School, is associate editor of the online journal First Literary Review-East, and lives in Brooklyn, NY.


Richard Rosengarten


Tathy Ludwig