

What pause is this, sunrise in slender air

To delight a thicket’s sudden repair

A lucid streak gaining timid feather

To silver the dew’s bark, the eye’s measure

To quickly score the bald stick’s mark.

An early pageant reaching heavenward

A fast image, its glisten a sensation

A bright calligraphy in vivid motion

Its hale luster in every borrow bright

A leaden twig ready to hatch sunlight

What promise in pale spring gently allows

A golden halo to quickly return?

First blossom brief in a moment’s parry

As sunlight rises, darkness buried.

Mr. Melton holds a Master’s in City Planning from Georgia Tech and a BA in Economics and International Studies from the American University. His poems have been published in numerous periodicals including Compass Rose, The Galway Review, Confrontation, Kansas Quarterly, The Miscellany, Big City Lit, Grand Little Things, and many others.


Paula Frew


Mary Baca Haque