“Rise Again”

Bleak skies above,

Filled of dark stormy clouds.

Tormented fields beneath,

Deep cracks weave the parched soil.

Raging fires burn wild,

Soon they will end,

When there is nothing left to burn.

I will then seek among the ashes,

While there is life, I will rise again.

I will be born to a new tomorrow,

In a world of solitude and grace.

“Redemption from Emptiness”

An engulfing emptiness suffocates the function of mind.

Life’s demands overwhelming, crushing a spirit once strong.

Looking within, find the path back on to solid ground,

Knowing what the soul yearns for, find peace of being.

Recent roads travelled, leave singular footprints imprinted on sand,

A path of choice to search within, to find a place where serenity dwells.

Cold winds may come and go as a dark night follows day,

Warm winds will again come; heaven will choose where and when.

A heart as soft, as a gentle summer breeze, all engulfing.

A healing touch as you place a hand upon a heart, heavenly redemption.

In the still of night heavenly bodies mingle, to awake in other dimensions.

Mind and heart in hand, we toil for our burdens; at night we are as one.

Rainier is a published poet from Melbourne Australia. Rainier’s published work includes ‘Life! The Journey of the Soul’ and soon to be released, ‘Growth! Enlightenment of the Soul’. Rainier shares poems that provide insight into his life experiences, lessons learned and inspirational thoughts. Through candid reflections, Rainier offers a lyrical glimpse into how he soared with successes and joys, navigated through forbidden love, shed tears in times of failures and sadness, and basked in in life’s vigorous energies as each event promoted growthand subsequently helped him develop a better understanding of earthly life.


Paula Frew


Casey Vieira